
Temperature Converter

This temperature conversion tool does real-time conversion of the most popular temperature scales.

It is possible to convert degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine, Réaumur, Newton, Delisle and Rømer.
At each conversion, the mathematical formula used for the specific temperature scale required will be shown.

The in-depth section contains all the conversion formulas used.

Temperature measurement scales

This section summarizes information about the specific measurement scales and formulas used for conversion.

Celsius degrees

The degree Celsius is the most widely used temperature measurement scale in the world.
It takes its name from its inventor, the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius.
The Celsius scale is based on setting two specific points, 0°C for the change of state of water from solid to liquid and 100 °C for the transition of water from liquid to gaseous.

Scale Result Formula Reverse Formula
Celsius to Fahrenheit 1 Celsius is 33.8 Fahrenheit 33.8°F = (1°C x 9/5) + 32 1 °C = (33.8°F - 32) x 5/9
Celsius to Kelvin 1 Celsius is 274.15 Kelvin 274.15K = 1°C + 273.15 1 °C = 274.15K - 273.15
Celsius to Rankine 1 Celsius is 493.47 Rankine 493.47°R = (1°C x 9/5) + 491.67 1 °C = (493.47°R - 491.67) x 5/9
Celsius to Réaumur 1 Celsius is 0.8 Réaumur 0.8°ré = 1°C x 4/5 1 °C = 0.8°ré x 5/4
Celsius to Newton 1 Celsius is 0.33 Newton 0.33°N = 1°C x 33/100 1 °C = 0.33°N x 100/33
Celsius to Delisle 1 Celsius is 148.5 Delisle 148.5°De = (100 - 1°C) x 3/2 1 °C = 100 - 148.5°De x 2/3
Celsius to Rømer 1 Celsius is 8.03 Rømer 8.03°Rø = 1°C x 21/40 + 7.5 1 °C = (8.03°Rø - 7.5) x 40/21

Fahrenheit degrees

The Fahrenheit degree is a measurement scale for temperature proposed by the German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.
The Fahrenheit degree is mainly used in the United States and some Pacific states.
The Celsius-like Fahrenheit scale sets the two points of change of state of water (from solid to liquid and from liquid to gaseous) at 32°F and respectively 212°F thus dividing the two intervals into 180°.

Scale Result Formula Reverse Formula
Fahrenheit to Celsius 1 Fahrenheit is -17.22 Celsius -17.22 °C = (1°F - 32) x 5/9 1 °F = (-17.22°C x 9/5) + 32
Fahrenheit to Kelvin 1 Fahrenheit is 255.92 Kelvin 255.92 K = (1°F + 459.67) x 5/9 1 °F = 255.93 K x 9/5 - 459.67
Fahrenheit to Rankine 1 Fahrenheit is 460.67 Rankine 460.67°R = 1°F + 459.67 1°F = 460.67°Ra - 459.67
Fahrenheit to Réaumur 1 Fahrenheit is -13.77 Réaumur -13.77°ré = (1°F - 32) x 4/9 1°F = -13.77°ré x 9/4 + 32
Fahrenheit to Newton 1 Fahrenheit is -5.68 Newton -5.68°N = (1°F - 32 ) x 11/60 1°F = -5.68°N x 60/11 + 32
Fahrenheit to Delisle 1 Fahrenheit is 175.83 Delisle 175.83°De = (212 - 1°F) x 5/6 1°F = 212 - 175.83°De x 6/5
Fahrenheit to Rømer 1 Fahrenheit is -1.54 Rømer -1.54°Rø = (1°F - 32) x 7/24 + 7.5 1°F = (-1.54°Rø - 7.5) x 24/7 + 32

Kelvin degrees

The Kelvin scale is named in honor of the British physicist Lord Kelvin.
The Kelvin scale is based on two specific points, the absolute zero to which the value 0 K is attributed and the triple point of the water to which the value 273.16 K is attributed.

Scale Result Formula Reverse Formula
Kelvin to Celsius 1 Kelvin is -272.15 Celsius -272.15°C = 1K - 273.15 1K = -272.15°C + 273.15
Kelvin to Fahrenheit 1 Kelvin is -457.87 Fahrenheit -457.87°F = 1K x 9/5 - 459.67 1K = (-457.87°F + 459.67) x 5/9
Kelvin to Rankine 1 Kelvin is 1.8 Rankine 1.8°R = 1K x 9/5 1K = 1.8°Ra x 5/9
Kelvin to Réaumur 1 Kelvin is -217.72 Réaumur -217.72°ré = (1K - 273.15) x 4/5 1K = -217.72°ré x 5/4 + 273.15
Kelvin to Newton 1 Kelvin is -89.8 Newton -89.8°N = (1K - 273.15) x 33/100 1K = -89.8°N x 100/33 + 273.15
Kelvin to Delisle 1 Kelvin is 558.22 Delisle 558.22°De = (373.15 - 1K) x 3/2 1K = 373.15 - 558.22°De x 2/3
Kelvin to Rømer 1 Kelvin is -135.38 Rømer -135.38°Rø = (1K - 273.15) x 21/40 + 7.5 1K = (-135.38°Rø - 7.5) x 40/21 + 273.15

Rankine degrees

The Rankine scale is a disused temperature measurement scale proposed by the Scottish engineer William John Macquorn Rankine.
The scale range is similar to that of the Fahrenheit scale, but the zero is simply shifted to the value of absolute zero.

Scale Result Formula Reverse Formula
Rankine to Celsius 1 Rankine is -272.6 Celsius -272.6°C = (1°Ra - 491.67) x 5/9 1°Ra = (-272.6°C x 9/5) + 491.67
Rankine to Fahrenheit 1 Rankine is -458.67 Fahrenheit -458.67°F = 1°Ra - 459.67 1°Ra = -458.67°F + 459.67
Rankine to Kelvin 1 Rankine is 0.56 Kelvin 0.56K = 1°Ra x 5/9 1°Ra = 0.56K x 9/5
Rankine to Réaumur 1 Rankine is -218.08 Réaumur -218.08°Ré = (1°Ra - 491.67) x 4/9 1°Ra = -218.08°Ré x 9/4 + 491.67
Rankine to Newton 1 Rankine is -89.96 Newton -89.96°N = (1°Ra - 491.67) x 11/60 1°Ra = -89.96°N x 60/11 + 491.67
Rankine to Delisle 1 Rankine is 558.89 Delisle 558.89°De = (671.67 - 1°Ra) x 5/6 1°Ra = 671.67 - 558.89°De x 6/5
Rankine to Rømer 1 Rankine is -135.61 Rømer -135.61°Rø = (1°Ra - 491.67) x 7/24 + 7.5 1°Ra = (-135.61°Rø - 7.5) x 24/ 7 + 491.67

Réaumur degrees

The Réaumur scale is a temperature measurement scale proposed by René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur.
The Réaumur degree is defined as 1/80 of the difference between the boiling point of water and the solidification point of water.

Scale Result Formula Reverse Formula
Réaumur to Celsius 1 Réaumur is 1.25 Celsius 1.25°C = 1°ré x 5/4 1°ré = 1.25°C x 4/5
Réaumur to Fahrenheit 1 Réaumur is 34.25 Fahrenheit 34.25°F = 1°ré x 9/4 + 32 1°ré = (34.25°F - 32) x 4/9
Réaumur to Kelvin 1 Réaumur is 274.4 Kelvin 274.4K = 1°ré x 5/4 + 273.15 1°ré = (274.4K - 273.15) x 4/5
Réaumur to Rankine 1 Réaumur is 493.92 Rankine 493.92°Ra = 1°ré x 9/4 + 491.67 1°ré = (493.92°Ra - 491.67) x 4/9
Réaumur to Newton 1 Réaumur is 0.41 Newton 0.41°N = 1°ré x 33/80 1°ré = 0.41°N x 80/33
Réaumur to Delisle 1 Réaumur is 148.12 Delisle 148.12°De = (80 - 1°ré) x 15/8 1°ré = 80 - 148.12°De x 8/15
Réaumur to Rømer 1 Réaumur is 8.16 Rømer 8.16°Rø = 1°ré x 21/32 + 7.5 1°ré = (8.16°Rø - 7.5) x 32/21

Newton degrees

The Newton scale is a measurement scale for temperature proposed by Isaac Newton.
The Newton degree is equal to 100/33 of the Celsius degree sharing the value of 0.

Scale Result Formula Reverse Formula
Newton to Celsius 1 Newton is 3.03 Celsius 3.03°C = 1°N x 100/33 1°N = 3.03°C x 33/100
Newton to Fahrenheit 1 Newton is 37.45 Fahrenheit 37.45°F = 1°N x 60/11 + 32 1°N = (37.45°F - 32 ) x 11/60
Newton to Kelvin 1 Newton is 276.18 Kelvin 276.18K = 1°N x 100/33 + 273.15 1°N = (276.18K - 273.15) x 33/100
Newton to Rankine 1 Newton is 497.12 Rankine 497.12°Ra = 1°N x 60/11 + 491.67 1°N = (497.12°Ra - 491.67) x 11/60
Newton to Réaumur 1 Newton is 2.42 Réaumur 2.42°Ré = 1°N x 80/33 1°N = 2.42°Ré x 33/80
Newton to Delisle 1 Newton is 145.45 Delisle 145.45°D = (33 - 1°N) x 50/11 1°N = 33 - 145.45°D x 11/50
Newton to Rømer 1 Newton is 9.09 Rømer 9.09°Rø = 1°N x 35/22 + 7.5 1°N = (9.09°Rø - 7.5) x 22/35

Delisle degrees

The Delisle scale is a measurement scale for temperature proposed by Joseph-Nicolas Delisle.
The Delisle scale has been in use for almost 100 years in Russia and in which the value increases with decreasing temperature.
The Delisle scale sets two points, 0 for boiling water and 150 for freezing.

Scale Result Formula Reverse Formula
Delisle to Celsius 1 Delisle is 99.33 Celsius 99.33°C = 100 - 1°De x 2/3 1°De = (100 - 99.33°C) x 3/2
Delisle to Fahrenheit 1 Delisle is 210.8 Fahrenheit 210.8°F = 212 - 1°De x 6/5 1°De = (212 - 210.8°F) x 5/6
Delisle to Kelvin 1 Delisle is 372.48 Kelvin 372.48K = 373.15 - 1°De x 2/3 1°De = (373.15 - 372.48K) x 3/2
Delisle to Rankine 1 Delisle is 670.47 Rankine 670.47°Ra = 671.67 - 1°De x 6/5 1°De = (671.67 - 670.47°Ra) x 5/6
Delisle to Réaumur 1 Delisle is 79.47 Réaumur 79.47°Ré = 80 - 1°De x 8/15 1°De = (80 - 79.47°Ré) x 15/8
Delisle to Newton 1 Delisle is 32.78 Newton 32.78°N = 33 - 1°De x 11/50 1°De = (33 - 32.78°N) x 50/11
Delisle to Rømer 1 Delisle is 59.65 Rømer 59.65°Rø = 60 - 1°De x 7/20 1°De = (60 - 59.65°Rø) x 20/7

Rømer degrees

The Rømer scale is a measurement scale for temperature proposed by the Danish astronomer Ole Christensen Rømer.
This scale unlike the others is based on fixing the two freezing and boiling points using a brine solution.
The colons are set to 0 and 60, respectively.

Scale Result Formula Reverse Formula
Rømer to Celsius 1 Rømer is -12.38 Celsius -12.38°C = (1°Rø - 7.5) x 40/21 1°Rø = -12.38°C x 21/40 + 7.5
Rømer to Fahrenheit 1 Rømer is -12.38 Fahrenheit 9.71°F = (1°Rø - 7.5) x 24/7 + 32 1°Rø = (9.71°F - 32) x 7/24 + 7.5
Rømer to Kelvin 1 Rømer is 260.77 Kelvin 260.77K = (1°Rø - 7.5) x 40/21 + 273.15 1°Rø = (260.77K - 273.15) x 21/40 + 7.5
Rømer to Rankine 1 Rømer is 469.39 Rankine 469.39°Ra = (1°Rø - 7.5) x 24/ 7 + 491.67 1°Rø = (469.39°Ra - 491.67) x 7/24 + 7.5
Rømer to Réaumur 1 Rømer is -9.9 Réaumur -9.9°Ré = (1°Rø - 7.5) x 32/21 1°Rø = -9.9°Ré x 21/32 + 7.5
Rømer to Newton 1 Rømer is -4.08 Newton -4.08°N = (1°Rø - 7.5) x 22/35 1°Rø = -4.08°N x 35/22 + 7.5
Rømer to Delisle 1 Rømer is 168.57 Delisle 168.57°De = (60 - 1°Rø) x 20/7 1°Rø = 60 - 168.57°De x 7/20

Useful links

This is a list of links with insights into temperature scales.